C4322 |
Photocopy of the address and letter that Sextil Puşcariu sent Alexandru Lapedatu asking him to join the newly founded university |
C4323 |
Stamp and Alexandru Lapedatu's signature |
C4324 |
Alexandru Lapedatu – badge issued by the General Committee of Refugees from Northern Transylvania, 13 November 1940 |
C4325,a |
„Ferdinand I cu spade şi panglică” [Ferdinand I with swords and ribbon] patent and medal, 1931 |
C4326,a |
"Meritul cultural în grad de ofiţer” [Cultural Merit, Officer Rank] patent and order, 1934 |
C4327,a |
"Steaua României în Gradul de Mare Cruce" [The Star of Romania, Grand Cross Rank] patent and order, 12 February 1935 |
C4328 |
Address issued by the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs through which Minister Alexandru Lapedatu is conferred the Order of the Star of Romania, Grand Cross Rank (1935) |
C4329 |
Photography of Alexandru Lapedatu, N. Iorga, and R. Caracaş?, September 1921 |
C4330 |
Photography of Alexandru Lapedatu at his desk, 1936 |
C8202 |
Alexandru Lapedatu, Certificate of primary school graduation, Iaşi, 1888 |
C8203 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - Declaration of wavering "Austro-Hungarian protection”, Bucharest Town Hall, 6 March 1904 |
C8204 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - Certificate of good conduct in society issued by the Town Hall of Bucharest, 6 March 1904 |
C8205 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - Certificate of good conduct in society issued by the Town Hall of Bucharest, 7 March 1911 |
C8206 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - Bachelor's Degree Diploma in History and Geography issued by the University of Bucharest, 28 January 1910 |
C8207 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - diplomatic passport, Councilor for the Peace Conference (1918-1920) |
C8208 |
Letter - Sextil Puşcariu to Alexandru Lapedatu, asking him to teach at the University in Cluj, 1919 |
C8209 |
Alexandru Lapedatu's letter to Sextil Puşcariu |
C8210 |
The Ruling Council appoints Alexandru Lapedatu professor at the University of Cluj, 1 September 1919 |
C8211 |
Royal decree appointing professor Alexandru Lapedatu as associate professor at the University of Cluj - copy of Royal Decree no. 241, 29 January 1920 |
C8212, a, b |
Press articles in "Patria" - the foundation of the University of Cluj, October 1919 |
C8213 |
The Romanian Academy informs Alexandru Lapedatu of the institution's general regulation following his appointment as permanent member |
C8214 |
Press articles in "Minerva" - The new Academy members, 5 June 1910 |
C8215 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - appointment as honorary member of the Romanian Numismatics Society, 24 May 1920 |
C8216 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - Diploma of the Romanian Numismatics Society, 23 May 1920 |
C8217 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed member of the Commission for the Organization of the State Archives of Cluj, 17 December 1921 |
C8218 |
The Presidency of the Romanian Senate appoints Alexandru Lapedatu member of the Coronation Commission, 12 July 1922 |
C8219 |
Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu's suggestions for the Coronation Commission |
C8220 |
The Ministry of Internal Affairs appoints Alexandru Lapedatu member of the Heraldic Commission, 16 June 1923 |
C8221 |
The Town Hall of Cluj appoints Alexandru Lapedatu member of the commission for the celebrations dedicated to the setting of the commemorative plaque of the Memorandum Fighters on the Reduta building, 23 December 1926 |
C8222 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed member of the Heraldic Commission, 10 February 1939 |
C8223 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed member of the Council of the State Archives, 12 April 1945 |
C8224 |
Copy of the donation document through which Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu's personal library is donated to King Ferdinand I University of Cluj, 29 March 1943 |
C8225 |
Copy of an extract of the meeting of the Romanian Academy when academy member Alexandru Lapedatu was removed from his position as the institution's secretary general, 8 June 1948 |
C8226 |
Legalized copy of academy member Alexandru Lapedatu's death certificate, Sighet, 30 August 1950 |
C8227 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed Minister of Cults and Arts in the I. I. C. Brătianu Government, 22 June 1927 |
C8228 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed minister of the Department of Cults and Arts by Vintilă Brătianu, President of the Council of Ministers, 1927 |
C8229 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed Ministry of State in I. G. Duca's government, 14 November 1933 |
C8230 |
Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed President of the Council of Ministers, document signed by G. Tătărescu |
C8231 |
Press extract from "Monitorul oficial" with the list of I. G. Duca's government |
C8232 |
Press extract from "Universul" with the list of G. Tătărescu's government |
C8233 |
Photograph showing N. Iorga, Alexandru Lapedatu, and I. Chendi ? |
C8234 |
Photography Alexandru Lapedatu, 1907 |
C8235 |
Photography showing Alexandru Lapedatu at his desk, 1936 |
C8236 |
Photography of Alexandru Lapedatu's portrait painted by Marius Bunescu |
C8237 |
Photography of a framed painting depicting the members of Ion I. C. Brătianu's government |
C8238 |
The works of the commemorative meeting of the History Institute of Cluj |
C8239 |
Medal Alexandru Lapedatu, 1936 |
C8240 |
Sigil made of bronze and marble, with Alexandru Lapedatu's monogram |
C8241 |
7 orders - miniature decorations received by Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8242 |
The Moscow Diary, photography Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8243 |
Letter from Sextil Puşcariu to Alexandru Lapedatu, Bucharest, 27 June 1919 |
C8244 |
The Ruling Council - address to Alexandru Lapedatu regarding his appointment as associate professor at the University of Cluj, 1 September 1919 |
C8245 |
Hand-written document by Alexandru Lapedatu, Additions, 10 pages |
C8799 |
The Lapedatu Family - genealogy from Glâmboaca, Sibiu County, written after 1941 |
C8800 |
The Lapedatu Family - genealogy from Glâmboaca, Sibiu County, biographic data, 1 May 1925 |
C8801 |
Alexandru Lapedatu, the family origin of his parents |
C8802 |
Genealogical tree of the Lapedatu family |
C8803 |
Ioan A. Lapedatu - Doctor in philosophy and letters diploma, the University of Bruxelles, 27 June 1871 |
C8804 |
Letter from Fr. Hossu Longin to Alexandru Lapedatu, Băseşti, 21 September 1926 |
C8805 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 13 August 1869 (copy) |
C8806 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 27 September 1869 |
C8807 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 1 December 1869 |
C8808 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 21 January 1870 |
C8809 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 15 February 1870 |
C8810 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 11 April 1970 |
C8811 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Fr. Hossu Longin, Paris, 7 January 1871 |
C8812 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Daniil Barcianu, Paris, 18 November 1868 (copy - the original is kept at the Barcianu Museum in Răşinari) |
C8813 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Daniil Barcianu, Paris, 11 September 1869 (copy) |
C8814 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Daniil Barcianu, Bucharest, 1868 |
C8815 |
Death certificate of Ioan Alexandru Lapedatu, 25 March 1878 |
C8816 |
"Noua bibliotecă română" [The New Romanian Library], Literary-Belletristic Periodical, tome II, no. 1/1878 (one article about Ion Alexandru Lapedatu) |
C8817 |
"Albina Carpaţilor" [The Bee of the Carpathians], year II, no. 33, 1878 (necrology - at the death of Ion Alexandru Lapedatu) |
C8818 |
The death of Ion Alexandru Lapedatu, manuscript with a note by Alexandru Lapedatu (extract from one of A. Densuşianu's newspapers, 1905) |
C8819 |
Letter from Ştefan Cacoveanu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 27 March 1926 |
C8820 |
Letter from Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to his wife Amalia, 2 November 1877 |
C8821 |
Autographed manuscripts by Ion Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8822 |
Letter addressed to Ion Alexandru Lapedatu by E. Cresianu, Bucharest, 18 July 1869 |
C8823 |
Letter addressed to Ion Alexandru Lapedatu by E. Brote, Sibiu, 1 August 1843 |
C8824 |
Letter addressed to Ion Alexandru Lapedatu by N. Fagaraseanu, Vienna, 6 April 1873 |
C8825 |
Letter addressed to Ion Alexandru Lapedatu, Paris, 14 February 1870 |
C8826, a |
Letter by Ion Alexandru Lapedatu to Miss. Aurora, the daughter of baron L. Popp, Bucharest, 20 March 1898 and a notebook with verses |
C8827 |
Scattered verses Ion Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8828 |
"Candid copil sărac şi Mira fată de împărat" [Poor boy Candid and Mira, the emperor's daughter] (children's stories, hand-written and typed by Ion Alexandru Lapedatu) |
C8829 |
Note with the works of Ion Alexandru Lapedatu, incomplete, written by Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8830 |
Telegram that I. G. Duca sent Alexandru Lapedatu for the commemoration of his father's death |
C8831 |
Telegram that Vintilă Brătianu and Virgil H? sent Alexandru Lapedatu for the commemoration of his father's death |
C8832 |
Letter by Teofil Frâncu regarding Ion Alexandru Lapedatu's literary activity copied by Alexandru Lapedatu, Bucharest, 20 March 1898 |
C8833 |
Newspapers and cut-out articles regarding Ion Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8834, a, b |
Ion Alexandru Lapedatu, photographs |
C8835 |
Ioan Lapedatu "Discurs comemorativ de Andrei Bârseanu, Braşov, 1898" [Commemorative speech by Andrei Bârseanu, Braşov, 1898] |
C8836 |
D. St. Petruţiu, „Ioan Alexandru Lapedatu şi începuturile mişcării teatrale din Transilvania. Ctitorul dramei ardelene. - primele încercări de teatru românesc în Cluj” [Ioan Alexandru Lapedatu and the beginnings of the theatrical movement in Transylvania. Founder of Transylvanian drama. - the first attempts at Romanian theater in Cluj], Cultura Cluj Printing House, 1933 |
C8837 |
Ion Mateiu, "Figuri reprezentative de la noi Ion Alexandru Lapedatu 1844-1878" [Representative figures from our country Ion Alexandru Lapedatu 1844-1878], 1934 |
C8838 |
"Prometeu" - periodical fighting for prosperity, beauty, and truth, 25 July 1934 (article about I. Alexandru Lapedatu) |
C8839 |
"Nuvela istorică românească în sec. al XIX-lea" [Romanian historical novels during the nineteenth century] by D. Vatamaniuc |
C8840 |
Dimitrie Braharu, „Nuvela istorică în literatura română transilvană.
Ion Alexandru Lapedatu (1844-1878)” [The historical novel in Romanian literature from Transylvania. Ion Alexandru Lapedatu (1844-1878)], with bio-bibliographic notes, extract from the anniversary volume dedicated to the brothers Alexandru and Ion I. Lapedatu, Imprimeria Naţională, Bucharest, 1936
C8841 |
I. Lupaş, " Profesorul Ioan Alexandru Lapedatu" [Professor Ioan Alexandru Lapedatu], by Ion Lupaş, member of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Braşov, 1937 |
C8842 |
"Transilvania" bulletin of cultural technique, no. 6, November-December 1936 |
C8843 |
I. A. Lapedatu, "Încercări de literatură" [Literary attempts], the "Restituiri" [Restitutions] Collection, Ed. Dacia, 1976 |
C8844 |
Various administrative and notarial documents issued before the First World War |
C8845 |
Address by Amelia Lapedatu to the Commission for the Setting of War Damages, Braşov, 1919 |
C8846 |
Newspaper extracts after the death of Amelia Lapedatu (1924), I. Alexandru Lapedatu's widow |
C8847 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - extract after the birth certificate, 9/22 December 1911 |
C8848 |
Certificate (in Hungarian), issued by the municipality of Satu Lung, regarding the fact that Alexandru Lapedatu has fulfilled his military obligations, 1904 |
C8849 |
Certificate translated to Romanian by Alexandru Lapedatu, issued by the municipality of Satu Lung, regarding the fact that Alexandru Lapedatu has fulfilled his military obligations, with an explanatory note, 1904 |
C8850 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - BA Diploma in Letters and Sciences, University of Iaşi, 5 October 1896 |
C8851 |
Document attesting to the fact that Alexandru Lapedatu was currently enrolled in the Medicine Faculty of the University in Bucharest, 13 January 1897 |
C8852 |
Alexandru Lapedatu's personal statute, the Ministry of Instruction and Cults, 1 November 1913 |
C8853 |
Certificate issued by the Ministry of War for Alexandru Lapedatu, Iaşi, 25 April 1918 |
C8854 |
Certificate of completion of the courses of the History Department, issued by the Dean's Office of the Faculty of History-Philosophy, Bucharest, for Alexandru Lapedatu, 6 March 1904 |
C8855 |
The University of Cluj - Address to Alexandru Lapedatu, 11 December 1923 |
C8856 |
Address of the "Regele Ferdinand I" University of Cluj to Alexandru Lapedatu, 10.02.1937 |
C8857 |
Page from the Official Monitor, 29 April 1905, Alexandru Lapedatu's appointment as Secretary of the Historical Monuments Bulletin and Commission |
C8858 |
Page from the Official Monitor, 31 October 1923, with Alexandru Lapedatu's appointment as State Secretary Minister of the Department of Cults and Arts |
C8859 |
Page from the Official Monitor, 7 September 1924, Alexandru Lapedatu is appointed interim Minister of Industry and Commerce |
C8860 |
Page from the Official Monitor, 21 September 1924, Alexandru Lapedatu ends his interim at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce |
C8861 |
Page from the Official Monitor, 10 November 1928, with the resignation of the Vintilă Brătianu Government and the appointment of the Iuliu Maniu Government |
C8862 |
Page from the Official Monitor, 16 October 1934 |
C8863 |
"Fondul Cultural Ion C. Brătianu" [The Ion. C. Brătianu Cultural Fund] calls for the propagation of Romanian culture |
C8864 |
"FondulCultural Ion C. Brătianu" [The Ion. C. Brătianu Cultural Fund] to Alexandru Lapedatu, 23 June 1921 |
C8865 |
"Fondul Cultural Ion C. Brătianu" [The Ion. C. Brătianu Cultural Fund] to Alexandru Lapedatu, 7 July 1921 |
C8866 |
Cu Ion. I. C. Brătianu pe muntele Găina [With Ion. I. C. Brătianu on Găina Mountain] - by Alexandru Lapedatu - Amintiri [Memoirs] |
C8867 |
Account at the Ion I. C. Brătianu Library related to the statue of Ion I. C. Brătianu (1937) |
C8868 |
Conference held by Alexandru Lapedatu about I. C. Brătianu at the Free University |
C8869 |
Conference held by Alexandru Lapedatu - "I. I. C. Brătianu şi înaintaşii săi" [I. I. C. Brătianu and his predecessors] |
C8870 |
Letter from N.N. Lenguceanu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 1935 |
C8871 |
"Voinţa Transilvaniei" [Transylvania's Will] - commemorative issue I. I. C. Brătianu, 1944 |
C8872 |
Conference held by Prof. Dr. Alexandru Lapedatu about Ion C. Brătianu and the issue of Romania's independence, 12 April 1932 |
C8873 |
Aşezământul Cultural Ion C. Brătianu [The Ion C. Brătianu Cultural Establishment] to Alexandru Lapedatu, 4 April 1921 |
C8874 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - member of the "Transilvania" Society, 1903 |
C8875 |
Invitation sent by the "Arta Românească" Society to Alexandru Lapedatu, 10 May 1909 |
C8876 |
Alexandru Lapedatu – Membership diploma of "Societatea Regală de Geografie" [The Royal Geographical Society], 2/15 March 1915 |
C8877 |
The ASTRA Society chooses Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu as ordinary member of its historical-ethnographical department, 21 December 1921 |
C8878 |
The Historical-Archaeological-Churchly Society of Chişinău appoints Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu as member of honor, 10 November 1922 |
C8879 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - patron of the "Poliţia" Sport Club, 1923 |
C8880 |
Ateneul Român [the Romanian Athenaeum] – requests Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu to become a member, plus the statute and regulations, 1923 |
C8881 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - honorary member of the Reunion of Romanian merchants, industrialists, and craftsmen from Cluj and the county of Cojocna, 1929 |
C8882 |
Alexandru Lapedatu, Honorary citizenship diploma of the city of Fălticeni, 1925 |
C8883 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - diploma issued by the Society of Romanian Clergy |
C8884 |
The „Hora” Musical Society proclaims Acad. Alexandru Lapedatu member of honor |
C8885 |
Alexandru Lapedatu honorary member of the "Sindicatului Presei Române din Ardeal-Banat" Society [The Syndicate of Romanian Press from Transylvania-Banat], 1928 |
C8886 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - member of the History Department of the "Astra", 1935/36 - 1939 |
C8887 |
Alexandru Lapedatu, honorary president of "Uniunea Proprietarilor de case din Cluj" [The Union of House Owners from Cluj], 1935 |
C8888 |
Telegram from Vasile Goldiş to Alexandru Lupaş, sent from Arad, 1924 |
C8889 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - honorary member of "Societatea Autorilor Dramatici Români" [the Society of Romanian Play Writers], 1926 |
C8890 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - member of the "Anastase Simu" Fund, 1944 |
C8891 |
Letter from Alexandru Lapedatu to Dimitrie Onciul, 2 October 1921 |
C8892 |
Notes - Meeting with Vaida, 5 September 1931 |
C8893 |
Notes - My first audience with King Carol II - February 1933 |
C8894 |
Notes - Ion Ghica's Câmpineanu |
C8895 |
Notes - Brief orientation on the past of Romania (conference) |
C8896 |
Notes - The 1848 Revolution |
C8897 |
Notes - 10 years since the death of Ion Bogdan |
C8898 |
Notes - On the occasion of the bishops' election, October 1933 |
C8899, a |
Resignation from the position of secretary of the Historical Monuments Commission, 15 October 1919 and the answer from the Ministry |
C8900 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - thanks for receiving the Bene-Merenti II Medal, 7 April 1909 |
C8901 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - thanks to D. A. Sturza, 25 February 1903 |
C8902 |
D. Onciul's report of Alexandru Lapedatu's work entitled "Reforma şcolară din Moldova…" [The School Reform in Moldavia...], copy, 1907 |
C8903 |
Various notes - Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8904 |
Various notes - Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8905 |
Various notes- Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8906 |
Various notes - Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8907 |
Various notes - Alexandru Lapedatu: 1927, 1930, 1933 |
C8908 |
Notes: Alexandru Lapedatu - Negotiations for Banat |
C8909 |
Notes - titles of certain delivered speeches - Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8910 |
Manuscripts - the connection with Brătianu and other persons - Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8911 |
"Cele patru puncte ale politicei războinice a lui I. C. Brătianu" [I. C. Brătianu's bellicose policy four points] |
C8912 |
On 25 March 1877 I. C. Brătianu sends a telegram to Bălăcianu in Vienna |
C8913 |
I. C. Brătianu şi independenţa Română [I. C. Brătianu and Romanian Independence] (manuscript) Conference |
C8914 |
Bălăceanu to I. C. Brătianu, April 1877 |
C8915 |
Notes Ion I. C. Brătianu through Basarabia, April 1924 |
C8916 |
Discussions with I. C. Brătianu on the topic of popular vote (after 1926) |
C8917 |
Hungarian and Polish conspirational actions and revolutionary movements in the Romanian Principalities during the rule of Alexandru Ioan Cuza |
C8918 |
The Polish Insurrection 1863 (manuscript) |
C8919 |
The formation of large estates among the Romanians (manuscript) |
C8920 |
The agrarian issue in the Parliament, manuscript |
C8921 |
A decapitation at the court of P. Rareş (manuscript in pencil) |
C8922 |
A decapitation at the court of P. Rareş (manuscript in pencil) |
C8923 |
P.P. Panaitescu, "Planurile lui Ioan Câmpineanu pentru Uniunea Naţională a Românilor. Legăturile lui cu emigraţia polonă" [Ioan Câmpineanu's plans for the National Union of the Romanians. His connections with the Polish immigration], Cluj, 1924 |
C8924 |
Mihail Popescu, "Documente inedite…" [Previously unpublished documents...] |
C8925 |
J. A. Vaillant - "Episoade la la Question de L'Orient" |
C8926 |
Adani Lewak, Dzieje emigracji polskiej w Turcji |
C8927 |
Şt. Teodorescu, "Monografia oraşului Câmpina" [The city of Câmpina: a monograph] |
C8928 |
N. Iorga, "Istoria presei…" [History of the press] |
C8929 |
Dr. Marceli Handelsman, Le prince Czartoryski at la Roumanie |
C8930 |
N. Iorga, " Generaţia de la 1840 şi 1848…" [The 1840 and 1848 generation] |
C8931 |
N. Georgescu - Tistu, "Ion Ghica…" |
C8932 |
Gr. G. Tocilescu, "Nicolae Bălcescu…" |
C8933 |
P.P. Panaitescu, "Planurile lui Ioan Câmpineanu …" [Ioan Câmpineanu's plans …] |
C8934 |
Alexandru Lapedatu's biographic sheets and notes |
C8935 |
Bibliography regarding the Fortification of Ciceului and one photo |
C8936 |
"Portrait de Câmpiano" manuscript in French |
C8937 |
"A Rachid Pacha, 1839" |
C8938 |
"Chambre de Députes" The meeting of 13 January 1840, A. E. Turquis: Dep. Polit des Consuls, Musei a Moli, 14 January 1839 |
C8939 |
"Letre sur Colson Yassy", 17 January 1939 |
C8940 |
A.E. Turquies; Dep. Polit. des…, 20 January 1839 |
C8941 |
A.E. Turquies; Dep. Polit. des…, 20 January 1839 |
C8942 |
A.E. Turquies; Dep. Polit. des…, 20 January 1839 |
C8943 |
A.E. Turquies; Dep. Polit. des…, 25 January 1839 |
C8944 |
Notes in French about a foreign prince, 28 January 1839 |
C8945 |
Notes in French on a foreign prince, 1840 |
C8946 |
Alexandru Lapedatu - working sheets regarding the coronation of a foreign prince, manuscript |
C8947 |
Documents - sheets regarding the Union of the Principalities |
C8948 |
Documents - sheets regarding the political events of 1864 |
C8949 |
Bibliography - various sheets |
C8950 |
Cuza's document archive - inventory |
C8951 |
Romanian Senate - the 1865/1866 meetings published in the Official Monitor |
C8952 |
The Elective Meeting of 1865/1866, meetings published in the Official Monitor |
C8953 |
Typed discourse held at the reception of the French at the University of Cluj, 1922 |
C8954 |
Address of the University of Cluj for the replacement of Prof. Lupaş, 11 October 1926 |
C8955 |
Address of the University of Cluj to Alexandru Lapedatu, 31January 1929 |
C8956 |
The appointment of Alexandru Lapedatu as professor at the History of the Romanians Department, „Regele Ferdinand I” University, Cluj, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, 3 December 1938 |
C8957 |
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters -address with the plan of courses of seminars, to Alexandru Lapedatu, Cluj, 28 February 1939 |
C8958 |
Typed discourse held at the reception of the French at the University of Cluj, 1922 |
C8959 |
Accept of the donation act of Alexandru Lapedatu to the Central Library of the „Regele Ferdinand” University, 29 March 1943 |
C8960 |
Address from the Ministry of Cults and Arts to Alexandru Lapedatu, 7 December 1926 |
C8961 |
The Rector's Office of the "Regele Ferdinand I" University, Cluj - Sibiu to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu accepting the donation, 10 October 1942 |
C8962 |
Donation document by Alexandru Lapedatu to the Central Library of the „Regele Ferdinand I” University. Legalized by the notary and signed by the rector of the university, Iuliu Haţieganu, and by Ion Muşlea |
C8963 |
Donation act of Alexandru Lapedatu donating his private library, Bucharest, 23 September 1942 |
C8964, a, b, c |
The Romanian Academy - Bucharest, to the Rector's Office of the University in Cluj, 5 July 1941 |
C8965 |
The Ministry of Cults and Arts, Management of the Orthodox Theological Seminary to Alexandru Lapedatu, 7 June 1925 |
C8966 |
Foundation document of the "Primen Mitropolitul" Orthodox Theological Seminary |
C8967 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 10 June 1927 |
C8968 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 23 June 1927 |
C8969 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 8 August 1927 |
C8970 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 23 December 1927 |
C8971 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 1928 |
C8972 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 4 August 1928 |
C8973 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 5 January 1934 |
C8974 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 20 February 1934 |
C8975 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 3 October 1934 |
C8976 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 15 October 1934 |
C8977 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 25 December 1934 |
C8978 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 17 September 1935 |
C8979 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 31 July 1935 |
C8980 |
Romania - Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu - Minister of Cults and Arts, 2 September 1936 |
C8981 |
The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu, Bucharest, 14 February 1940 |
C8982 |
The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu, Personnel management, 12 May 1940 |
C8983 |
The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu, Studies Office |
C8984 |
Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu, 30 June 1920 |
C8985 |
Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu, 8 July 1920 |
C8986 |
Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu, 16 November 1920 |
C8987 |
Program outline for the Coronation Festivities |
C8988 |
"Amintiri din primăvara anului 1919 de la Conferinţa de Pace" [Memories from the spring of 1919 from the Peace Conference] |
C8989 |
Telegram to Alexandru Lapedatu, March 1922 |
C8990 |
Telegram to Alexandru Lapedatu from Vaida Voevod, 1919 |
C8991 |
Telegram to Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8992 |
Telegram to Alexandru Lapedatu |
C8993 |
Telegram to Alexandru Lapedatu from Dimitrie Onciul |
C8994 |
Manuscript with the header of the University of Cluj - bibliographic list for Colonel Dumitrescu Toma |
C8995 |
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu, 12 November 1918 |
C8996 |
The Management of the National Museum of Antiquities to Alexandru Lapedatu, 1919 |
C8997 |
Legation Royale de Roumanie en France to Alexandru Lapedatu, 30 March 1920 |
C8998 |
Legation de la Roumanie, The military attaché - to Al. Lapedatu, Paris, 1 April 1920 |
C8999 |
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu, 31 March 1922 |
C9000 |
The Presidency of the Council of Ministers to Alexandru Lapedatu, 2 October 1920 |
C9001 |
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu, 7 June 1922 |
C9002 |
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Alexandru Lapedatu (copy) |
C9003 |
Ministry of Finance, Inspection Service to Alexandru Lapedatu, 10 July 1928 |
C9004 |
Telegram to Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9005 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Direction for Treatises Implementation, to Alexandru Lapedatu, 22 August 1922 |
C9006 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Direction for Treatises Implementation, to Alexandru Lapedatu, 10 May 1923 |
C9007 |
Project of Convention on the termination of the Archives of Hungary based on the peace treatises of Trianon (copy) |
C9008 |
Ministry of Cults and Arts, the General Direction of the Arts, Bucharest, 10 November 1921 |
C9009 |
The Romanian Academy certifies, 10 March 1904 |
C9010 |
The Romanian Academy to Alexandru Lapedatu, 9 July 1907 |
C9011 |
The Romanian Academy to Alexandru Lapedatu, 7 July 1908 |
C9012 |
Letter from Ion Bianu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 21 March 1912 |
C9013 |
Letter from Ion Bianu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 12 March 1912 |
C9014 |
Letter from Ion Bianu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 8 June 1908 |
C9015 |
Letter from Ion Bianu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 21 January 1906 |
C9016 |
Letter from Ion Bianu to Alexandru Lapedatu, 13 April 1912 |
C9017 |
Letter by Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9018 |
The Romanian Academy to Alexandru Lapedatu, 27 February 1912 |
C9019 |
The Romanian Academy to Alexandru Lapedatu, April 1919 |
C9020 |
The Romanian Academy to the Minister of Instruction, Bucharest, 22 March 1921 |
C9021 |
The Romanian Academy to Alexandru Lapedatu, 22 November 1922 |
C9022 |
The Romanian Academy to Alexandru Lapedatu, copy, Bucharest, 11 November 1941 |
C9023 |
Annual report of the General Secretariat and the program of the proceedings to be presented to the king for approval |
C9024 |
The Romanian Academy in the future |
C9025 |
The Romanian Academy, the 1948 General Assembly (Report) |
C9026 |
The general assembly of the Romanian Academy of 1948 - the meeting of 8 June 1948 (copy-extract) |
C9027 |
Program of the first general assembly of the Academy of RPR, 15-31 October 1948 |
C9028 |
General regulation of the Academy of the RPR |
C9029 |
List of members of the Romanian Academy |
C9030 |
Press articles (extracts regarding the activity of the Romanian Academy) |
C9031 |
The Ministry of Cults and Arts to Alexandru Lapedatu, 9 December 1921 |
C9032 |
Copy of report no. 212/1921 of the Inspectorate of Museums in Transylvania |
C9033 |
Telegram addressed to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9034 |
The Ministry of Cults and Arts to Alexandru Lapedatu, 28 December 1921 |
C9035 |
The Ministry of Cults and Arts to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9036 |
The Ministry of Cults and Arts to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu, 9 December 1921 |
C9037 |
Letter to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu, Bucharest, 25 November 1924 |
C9038 |
The Museum of Romanian Rebirth to Alexandru Lapedatu, 30 December 1921 |
C9039 |
The Museum of Romanian Rebirth to Alexandru Lapedatu - summons |
C9040 |
Address to Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9041 |
The "Principele Carol" [Prince Carol] Cultural Foundation to Alexandru Lapedatu, 1 June 1932 |
C9042 |
Cluj County Prefecture to Alexandru Lapedatu, 15 December 1925 |
C9043 |
Cluj City Hall - Decision, 21 December 1926 |
C9044 |
"Spiru Haret" High School to Alexandru Lapedatu, 12 April 1934 |
C9045 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 30 March 1923 |
C9046 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 2 June 1923 |
C9047 |
Official report through which Lapedatu hands over the directorship of the State Archives to C. Moisil, 24 March 1924 |
C9048 |
The State Archives to Alexandru Lapedatu, 4 January 1926 |
C9049 |
The State Archives to Alexandru Lapedatu, 15 March 1926 |
C9050 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 19 June 1926 |
C9051 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 30 October 1926 |
C9052 |
Ministry of Cults and Public Instruction - the appointment of Alexandru Lapedatu as secretary of the Historical Monuments Commission, 20 March 1904
C9053 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 27 April 1905 |
C9054 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 5 April 1908 |
C9055 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 12 April 1906 |
C9056 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 6 February 1907 |
C9057 |
The Ministry of Instruction and Cults to Alexandru Lapedatu, 6 November 1906 |
C9058 |
The Ministry of Instruction and Cults to Alexandru Lapedatu, 31 March 1910 |
C9059 |
The National Museum of Antiquities to Alexandru Lapedatu, 17 October 1911 |
C9060 |
The Ministry of Cults and Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 29 April 1913 |
C9061 |
The Ministry of Cults and Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 20 August 1919 |
C9062 |
The Ministry of Cults and Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 16 March 1921 |
C9063 |
The Ministry of Cults and Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 13 July 1921 |
C9064 |
The Council of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Transylvania, 16 December 1921 |
C9065 |
I. Marţian to Alexandru Lapedatu, Năsăud, 20 January 1924 |
C9066 |
The Ministry of Instruction to Alexandru Lapedatu, 6 June 1924 |
C9067 |
The Ministry of Cults and Arts to Alexandru Lapedatu, 1 March 1929 |
C9068 |
The Historical Monuments Commission to Alexandru Lapedatu, 1941 |
C9069 |
Letter by Alexandru Lapedatu, Bucharest, 21 December 1942 |
C9070 |
Letter from P. Antonescu to Alexandru Lapedatu, Bucharest, 24 December 1942 |
C9071 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu, 4 January 1943 |
C9072 |
Files - Cuza -Barbu Catargiu |
C9073 |
Files - Cuza - Kogălniceanu |
C9074 |
Files - Cuza - Kogălniceanu |
C9075 |
Notes Kogălniceanu |
C9076 |
Notes Barbu Catargiu |
C9077 |
Bibliography related to the assassination of Barbu Catargiu |
C9078 |
Barbu Catargiu - manuscript notes |
C9079 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from Aurel Drăgan, 5 March 1940 |
C9080 |
Files regarding Iulian Grozescu - poet |
C9081 |
Files notes - "Enigme şi mistere în Istoria României" [Enygmas and misteries in Romanian history] |
C9082 |
Studies, notes, and extracts on the assassination of Barbu Catargiu |
C9083 |
Memoirs of Prince Nicolae Sturza (copy) |
C9084 |
The Death of Marshall Averescu, memoirs (manuscript) |
C9085 |
Notes - The Romanian Countries 1832, 1833, 1837 |
C9086 |
"Principatele Unite" [The United Principalities], manuscript p. 1-3 |
C9087 |
"Principatele Unite"[The United Principalities], manuscript p. 11-46 |
C9088 |
Brief notes - year 1864 |
C9089 |
Letter to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu, Sibiu, 14/ 26 November 1877 |
C9090 |
Letter to Prof. Alexandru Lapedatu, Sibiu, 14/ 26 November 1877 (copy) |
C9091 |
Types copies of the reports sent by Ottokar Czernin and the royal family |
C9092 |
Conference, "Câteva idei conducătoare în viaţa noastră românească" [Several guiding ideas in our Romanian life] |
C9093 |
Conference - New occasions to develop national historiography - open class at the University of Cluj, 6 November 1919 |
C9094 |
Speech at the commemoration of 100 years since the death of Petru Maior |
C9095 |
Speech - By Gheorghe Dima's tomb, 1934-1935 |
C9096 |
Answer to Gh. I. Brătianu's speech on the topic - Nicolae Iorga historian of the Romanians |
C9097 |
"Intoarcerea mea la Iaşi" [My return to Iaşi], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9098 |
"Anii mei de liceu" [My high school years], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript, p. 6-12 |
C9099 |
"Iaşiul anilor mei de studiu" [Iaşi during my years of study], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript, p. 13-23 |
C9100 |
"Doi ani de încercări zadarnice în viaţa" [Two years of futile attempts in life], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9101 |
"Pe drumul dispoziţiilor şi aptitudinilor" [On the road of dispositions and aptitudes], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9102 |
"Activitatea ştiinţifică din timpul studiilor" [My scientific activity during the years of study], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript, p. 44-54 |
C9103 |
"Anii de refugiu la Iaşi" [My years of refuge in Iaşi], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9104 |
"Momente mai importante pentru viaţa mea şi cariera mea" [Important moments in my life and my career], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9105 |
"Pe drumul larg al vieţii" [On life's wide road], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9106 |
"Pe drumul larg al vieţii" [On life's wide road], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9107 |
Varia, Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9108 |
"Cetăţenia lui Ionel Brătianu" [Ionel Brătianu's citizenship], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9109 |
"Cu Iorga prin ţară" [Travelling through the country with Iorga], Alexandru Lapedatu - autobiographic manuscript |
C9110 |
Typed additions |
C9111 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9112 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu, signed by D. Bereni, 27 August 1921 |
C9113 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu, signed by D. Bereni, 10 July 1952 |
C9114 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu, 26 July 1921 |
C9115 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from Mihail Sadoveanu, 18 November 1930 |
C9116 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from Mihail Sadoveanu, Vienna, 19 May 1937 |
C9117 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from Otilia Cazimir, Iaşi, 25 December 1949 |
C9118 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from Otilia Cazimir, Iaşi, 10 June 1950 |
C9119 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from Ghiţă T. Kirileanu, Piatra Neamţ, 12 January 1950 |
C9120 |
Letter to Alexandru Lapedatu from P.P. Negulescu, Braşov, 2 February 1950 |
C9121 |
Silviu Dragomir - About Alexandru Lapedatu |
C9122 |
Newspaper articles regarding the Celebration of the brothers Lapedatu for their 60th birthday, organized in Braşov |